Why, in the midst of a fourth season of producing a successful podcast and, dealing with the largest pandemic since 1918, would we decide to create a nonprofit company? The reason is quite simple - we take care of you, but who takes care of us?
One of the most important, unwritten tenets in the fire service is that we take care of each other. One of the best examples of that is the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation in Emmitsburg MD. This wonderful organization has a specific purpose: caring for the families of those firefighters who make the ultimate sacrifice in performance of their duties. And the wonderful people with the NFFF, are the best of the best, taking care of spouses/significant others, parents, siblings, etc., and assisting them to adjust to their new normal.
However, there are other firefighters and first responders who are seriously injured on the job. There are firefighters who have suffered a fire loss of their own homes. And, like everyone else, these brave souls meet the same type of calamities that everyone else faces. And often, other family or friends set-up an online financial campaign to help out. One "dark" side of those campaigns is that those web sites collect a significant commission from the money raised. Yet in these trying times, those affected need every penny they can get.
To that end, we have setup our two accounts: our Operations account, to subsidize our operational costs and our Foundation account, which will be used to make cash distributions where and when needed. YOU have a choice where your contribution will go; either way, your contribution could be tax-deductible for you. (Please ask your tax advisor if your contribution qualifies as tax-deductible. We cannot provide that advice to you.)
You ARE able to use any major credit card or even your checking/savings account to make your contribution. And when you do, just let us know if you wish it to go to the Operations or Foundation account. Or, you can write a check if you are more comfortable doing that. Please be sure to write your choice of "Ops or Foundation" on the memo line of your check. Please mail your check to: 5-Alarm Task Force Corp., 978 Ramblewood Dr., Coral Springs FL 33071-7152.
You can donate once, on a special occasion or make it a monthly gift. Just know that we want you to do what is/will be good for you. We will NEVER call you by phone to ask for money! And, we do not wish to pressure you. You see, we still believe in the goodness in all of us. Maybe what is happening in our society right now is raising doubts, but we know deep inside, people care about their first responders. Why? Because you know that when you have an emergency and you dial 9-1-1, first responders will always come to assist you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please send us email to [email protected] and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Stay Safe & Stay Well!
One of the most important, unwritten tenets in the fire service is that we take care of each other. One of the best examples of that is the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation in Emmitsburg MD. This wonderful organization has a specific purpose: caring for the families of those firefighters who make the ultimate sacrifice in performance of their duties. And the wonderful people with the NFFF, are the best of the best, taking care of spouses/significant others, parents, siblings, etc., and assisting them to adjust to their new normal.
However, there are other firefighters and first responders who are seriously injured on the job. There are firefighters who have suffered a fire loss of their own homes. And, like everyone else, these brave souls meet the same type of calamities that everyone else faces. And often, other family or friends set-up an online financial campaign to help out. One "dark" side of those campaigns is that those web sites collect a significant commission from the money raised. Yet in these trying times, those affected need every penny they can get.
To that end, we have setup our two accounts: our Operations account, to subsidize our operational costs and our Foundation account, which will be used to make cash distributions where and when needed. YOU have a choice where your contribution will go; either way, your contribution could be tax-deductible for you. (Please ask your tax advisor if your contribution qualifies as tax-deductible. We cannot provide that advice to you.)
You ARE able to use any major credit card or even your checking/savings account to make your contribution. And when you do, just let us know if you wish it to go to the Operations or Foundation account. Or, you can write a check if you are more comfortable doing that. Please be sure to write your choice of "Ops or Foundation" on the memo line of your check. Please mail your check to: 5-Alarm Task Force Corp., 978 Ramblewood Dr., Coral Springs FL 33071-7152.
You can donate once, on a special occasion or make it a monthly gift. Just know that we want you to do what is/will be good for you. We will NEVER call you by phone to ask for money! And, we do not wish to pressure you. You see, we still believe in the goodness in all of us. Maybe what is happening in our society right now is raising doubts, but we know deep inside, people care about their first responders. Why? Because you know that when you have an emergency and you dial 9-1-1, first responders will always come to assist you!
If you have any questions or concerns, please send us email to [email protected] and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Stay Safe & Stay Well!