When we arise each morning, most of us are grateful for that simple act, especially as we age and get older. Hopefully, our past experiences give us the "energy" to face each new day with an open mind, a determination to learn and do our very best. Nevertheless, that is no guaranty that we will have a great day and we are aghast when Life throws us a curve ball.
In our profession as career, volunteer, part-pay and WUI firefighters, we know from the moment we even consider to be a member of these elite organizations, that this "job" is inherently risky. True, most of us have excellent training and trainers, to teach us what being a firefighter today, is all about. And today in 2021, it's a great deal different that when I, and many other men and women were responding to calls. Thankfully, with the knowledge gained over the past 30+ years, the vast majority of firefighters who protect and serve this country, perform heroically and admirably, whether it is rescuing Ms. Smith's cat up a tree, rescuing three people on the second floor of burning home, to racing out onto the lake for a water rescue. Yet, each response above comes with its own peril. And, as well as we may train and carefully carry out our duties on-scene of an emergency, something can indeed "go south," very quickly, changing our lives forever. As many of us know all too well, 2020 was a crappy year for us, whether we worked in Public Safety or not. And with all the bitching and moaning regarding the Covid-19 protocols around the country, let us not forget that we have lost over 120 firefighters to Covid-19, plus numerous paramedics & EMT's, as well as dispatchers and call takers. So, what happens to the families of those severely injured, disabled or who pay the ultimate price? That is where the 5-Alarm Task Force Corp Foundation comes in. While we will strive to be able to include all first responders, right now, we are focusing on our Brothers and Sisters in the Fire Service. And to do either or both, we need the everyone's help! Think of our efforts as "all hands working!" The first way that you can help is my sharing this link and our social media posts with any colleagues you may have in the three, main branches of Public Safety. Let them see what we are trying to do. The second way that you can help us is by making a donation. Our new, customized Donation Page, provides you with numerous ways to give and choose where you want your donation to go, to either our Operations Account, which is used for our office and podcast expenses or to the Foundation, which is the key account we sue to disburse our financial assistance. Additionally, thanks to our new and good friends at EFT Corporation, you can make a donation from $1 on up. You can use a credit or debit card, a check or an ACH automatic transfer. He can choose to make a single donation or, a weekly, monthly or yearly contribution. Currently, we are running a special gift program with our new T-shirts. We have them in three sizes, Medium, Large & Extra Large, as well as 3 colors, Black, Army Green and Deep Blue. For a minimum donation of $50.00 you will receive the T-shirt of your choice for FREE!. That's right, absolutely free! Please remember that it is not the amount of your donation, since we accept anything from a dollar on up. It is the act that is important. We never know what life will bring us on any given day. Just as we train and practice both at home and at the station, depending on where we live, we prepare for encounters with "Mother Earth." Here at 5-Alarm Task Force Corp., we are preparing to help you or your family when you find yourself in dire need. Please visit our Homepage or the DONATE tab across the top menu. Then scroll down until you see the photo of a beautiful, chrome "Q" siren and click on the picture. Our donation page will pop up and provide you with your opportunity to reach out and help someone you may never even know or, it could be one of your colleagues or even, your own family. Stay Safe & Stay Well!
Steve Greene
Founder & President of 5-Alarm Task Force Corp. and Creator & Host of the "5-Alarm Task Force" podcast. Archives
November 2023
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